First 'Hear attack' by Demi Lovato.
This music video has three different costumes used however the costumes are either black or white..even when she is wearing white there is black paint standing out on her. This paint is not only on her however it is also In the background as well as In the beginning and the end of the music video. Reasons why the colour black May have been used is because it may be seen as quite a negative colour as it has negative connotations; heart attack is seen as a dark thing and this may relate to the theme and colour of the song. Two dark scenes are used; this May have been used to show her emotions as she feels alone may be and in the dark. The white setting may present purity however this purity may be shown to be ruined through the dripping paint and the effects added to show an explosion of dark paint. A microphone is the only prop that this singer used; this May have been used for her to let out her feelings in a loud way just as the black paint is showing loud/big explosions.
The next music video that I have chosen to analyse is 'Disco Love' by The Saturdays.
Similarly in this music video there is also three different costume, setting and location used even though this is not one artist however it is a girl group. This music video is more positive since the lyrics are also positive. The costume goes from casual in a field do old styled and bright In a skating rink and then urban and party cloths in the party. All three of these costumes blend in with the setting; having three seperate parts to this narrative has a really good impact on the audience as it entertains the a dn shows the three separate time periods. The theme is different to 'Heart attack' since there was only two colours used and the emotion was sad whereas in this song there is a variety of colours and and the emotions are fun and excited. Props are also used in this video to show that everything they do is fun..they are smiling and laughing while fixing the car/van- the spanner and screwdriver is shown this. Additionally one of the members are curling their hair - having fun also.
By analysing these two music video's I feel that I have a lot of option when making my music video and artist. Looking at these artists will help find a look for the new artist which will be created along with the style of the artist and the way he/she may be seen in the music video.