How effective is the combination of
your main product and your ancillary texts?
When talking about a combination, it would refer to the term synergy which is the certain aspects of one product that relates to another product, and in our case we refer to how the music video relates, and links to our ancillary products, the digipak and advertisement. When planning the synergy of all our products, we had a clear idea of what kind of aspects we would try keep consistent throughout the creation of all our media products, and these were the;
- Colours - Colour scheme throughout all media products
- Costume - Makeup, Clothing, Accessories
- Mise en scene - Locations
- Identity - Artist Image
- Text - Font, Font colour
Red Lipstick
music video |
Music Video - Red, Green,
White and Black Colours |
Starting off with the colours present in our music video, we came up with a set of colours that we wanted to be as a recurring aspect within the video itself, and somehow bring all or most into our ancillary products. Most of these colours essentially interlink with all the other synergy aspects that we combined into our media products. The colour scheme that was mainly present within our music video was white, black, green and red, and these were either found in the locations we used or the costumes the artist wore. The first mix of colours that was seen in the music video was during the introduction, where there is a green bush with red flowers, a location that was constantly on repeat throughout the music video. The whole introduction also had a red bar across the footage. As the location had a good mix of colours, this was incorporated through the colours found within the costume. The artist wore a red scarf that is similar to the red flowers along with a white dress and black leggings and throughout the whole music video, she constantly wore red lipstick.
Location used in both ancillary
images and music video intro |
Ancillary: Green, White, Black
and Red Colours |
These selections of colors was also present in the digipak and advertisement I created. The images I used for the ancillary products had the colour red from the lipstick and flowers, the green from the green bush behind the artist and the white through the white font I decided to use. Although the red within the ancillary products is not as dominant as the red in the music video, I thought the use of the green, white and black colours were enough as the red would be too intrusive if I had made it less subtle and more dominant. The location of the images used in the ancillary products was also a location that we filmed for the music video which unfortunately was present only during the introduction of the music video.
Digipak (Front Cover) |
Black clothing in white tree location with green background |
The green, white and black colours of the ancillary products also link to another scene of the music video, where there is a strong resemblance in terms of colours and costume alike. This scene was with the white trees along with a full on green background, whilst the artist was wearing all black. Like my ancillary products, there is a green background from the green bush, and the colour white from the text, and the colour black which is extremely dominant mainly in the advert due to the black gradient I used and black clothing of the artist. Although the location is different, the use of colours is extremely similar and is something consistent throughout. Between both my ancillary products, the digipak and advertisement contain a good amount of synergy due to the repetition of various aspects from the colours to the text.
Advert |
Accessories and Jewellery used in music video |
The reason I kept the image for the advert and digipak the same is because I wanted to constantly emphasise the image of our artist, which is simple, yet sophisticated, which will help connect with her audience. This image is constantly apparent in the music video as the costume of the artist is very simple yet has some stylistic and sophisticated look due to the accessories and vibrant colours. The artist would constantly wear jewellery that complimented her clothing which would either be black or white, whilst in other parts of the video, the artist would be seen wearing vibrant colours such as the red scarf that is constantly seen throughout the video. The simplistic imagery of the artist is further seen where she only wears a full on black or white outfit, whilst the costume connotes some sense of sophistication as it is not over the top. This simplistic element is also carried into my ancillary product as the artist in the image is wearing mainly black providing some visual link between the music video and ancillary products. Due to the black gradient and white text used in my advert, the colour scheme between the music video and ancillary product is heightened as these are the main colours we have based our artist on to reinforce her image of being stylistic, simplistic and sophisticated.
The last thing that combines all my media products has to be surrounded around the type of text I used. During the introduction of the music video, the artist is introduced as "Yasmin Feruz", the font used in the music video was "Century Gothic", which was simple and sophisticated like the image we were trying to create for our artist. I thought it was pretty important to keep the font for our artist's name the same between all the media product make the link in terms of synergy far more stronger than having different texts. For all my ancillary products the places where the name of the artist was present, I maintained the "Century Gothic" font, whilst the rest of the text was in "Ostrich".
Within the advert, the
information regarding the album is centered around the artist's name which happens to be the largest thing following the image of the artist, essentially emphasizing her presence and selling her as the artist. The information itself is all very compact and neat which highlight's the whole simplistic feel of the advert whilst it also generates a stylistic effect due to the white and black colours also highlighting a sense of sophistication and professionalism. I purposely made the artist name distinct to the album information consistently from the outside of my digipak to the inside and all the way to the advertisement as I felt all the emphasis should be on the artist themselves. This is something that we applied in the music video, where the artist is always present on the screen, and the camera essentially follows her around highlighting her presence and importance, we sold the artist. By taking these appects of the music video, and incorporating them into my ancillary products in one form or another, the audience will be able to see some clear links between all media products.

One existing product that is fairly similar to mine in the way it uses synergy with all its other products is from Jessie J, and the links to her music video "Wild" with her ancillary products, the advertisement and
digipak. The video itself is made up of a lot of white and black, which emphasizes the simplistic aspect of the video, something also apparent in my music video.
The white and black from the video is also seen in both her
digipak and advertisement, which strengthens the link and the ability of the audience to identify the synergy. The white background of the
digipak and the advertisement resonates with the prime location in the music video, where Jessie J does her singing and dance routine. This goes to show that a recurring
colour scheme is useful as it makes the synergy a whole lot stronger, and helps construct strong visual links. Jessie J's bald head is her image and identity and is constantly reiterated through the repetition of the same portrait in the ancillary products. The video also features Jessie J
drawing attention to her new image as she is constantly touching and showcasing her bald head in her performance.
When looking at all my media products, I do feel there is a good sense of synergy between all products due to the way the colour scheme bonds with the use of text, essentially creating some strong visual links. When creating the music video, we had to keep in mind all the stuff that we wanted to use as synergy, by carefully focusing on what we were filming, we began to construct a better idea of what we could include in our ancillary products. By doing this, our audience may find it easier to identify the many links that we have included throughout all our ancillary products.
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