Thursday, 9 January 2014


Feedback from Mary

After an overview presentation of my ancillary pack, Mary has reminded me of some small mistakes that were edited later today.

The first thing was to do with the record label so thats been changed to Neon Gold. Due to the fact that 
Record lebel company logo 

the record label was originally for rock bands. Neon Gold is known for their pop artists who have been signed up. 

Also I almost forgot to change the copyright information because before it said that it was owned by Island Records and now its changed to Neon Gold. so thats another change made to the front of the album cover. Shown Below 

Copyright information edited. Change of company who own the album.

Added logo on the poster
Also I forgot to add the record company logo in for the advertisement poster for the release of the album. The logo was added to the poster and one thing that I like about the Logo is that it goes well with the album cover and the poster.

One other mistake was the thought of the composition of the availability of album logos which needed to be more spaced out on the poster. Simple stuff really. 

Spacing out of the logo's on the poster

I almost also forgot to add the main feature of the poster. Which is to make it clear to the audience what to look for when you go to the store to buy the album or if you opt to buy it from iTunes. In all advertisement you must include the image of the product and I almost forgot that yet there was loads of space on the poster so I eventually worked out what was missing and that was the cover of the album shown in the poster to make it look nice and appealing but most importantly less confusing.

Actual screen grabbed image from the poster.

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