Thursday, 23 January 2014

EVALUATION: Question (4)

Some positive feedback from the Showing of the Music video at the cinema. 

There were constant feedback through out the year. 
- Pitch to class and teacher 
- Footage (base tracks) recorded
- Rough Cut & Anamatic Storyboard 
- Cinema review 
- Ancillary Work after finishing advertisement and album panels. 

(Video unable to upload)
These are the feedback that actually made a good impact in the work that we did throughout the media project.

The feedback from the teachers and students in the ancillary stage of our work were really useful. The feedback highlighted that some of the conventions of a CD cover were not met like the color and use of font. This was edited by thinking and researching font types and understanding which one will give a better impact for the CD cover and other feedback were generally for the music video. But overall without the feedback we wouldn't have created such a great quality music video as we did.

I couldn't get the video up but this was the speech that was said in the video (VLOG)
-   "By getting feedback for all stages of our work process I believe that it has enhanced my work to a better standard and can also help to get those little bugs in my own work fixed like the simple spelling mistake can be found when you are given feedback. This is why when reflecting and then improving can benefit your work and your standard of what you have done."

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